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EFT Tapping

A more well-known modality especially in the self-help world, this method is fantastic for processing emotional baggage and traumas. It is a method that involves tapping through specific acupressure points on the body while voicing the situation/emotions out vocally. It has been clinically proven to help people who struggle with PTSD, anxiety, phobias, addictions, and so much more! 

Some Fun Facts about EFT Tapping: 

  • Reduces gene expression involving inflammation, while simultaneously upregulating the expression of genes involved in immunity 

  • Reduces cortisol by up to 43% by actively sending signals to the brain to turn off the fight or flight response 

  • Can help with anything from physical pain to anxiety to limiting beliefs and anything in between 

EFT can be a little more intensive depending on the nature of what we end up processing, but feels extremely therapeutic once the session is over. Most people report feeling lighter, calmer, more hopeful and optimistic about their situation, and just a general sense of relief.  

FAQ: EFT Tapping Session

What does EFT stand for? 

Emotional Freedom Technique 


How does EFT work? 

Emotional Freedom Technique works by tapping gently, yet firmly on very specific acupressure points on the body, while giving a voice to the negative feelings we are experiencing currently or have experienced in the past. Once we do a couple of rounds of this, you will start to notice that perhaps you feel a shift in how you feel. For example, maybe you were feeling sadness initially that has now turned into anger. We would then proceed to address the anger, and neutralize the emotional charge around this. If more feelings arise, we will work on this until you feel more neutral. After this we can then go into tapping and voicing out the positive, what we would like to feel instead. By doing this, it’s like we are entering a new program into the body and overriding the old one. EFT tapping is a clinically proven technique that helps with a  variety of issues including but not limited to phobias, past hurts, grief, PTSD, self-sabotage, addictions, and many more! 


What to expect during and after a session? 

Everyone’s different. Some people cry, some people yawn or feel tired. This is a sign that your body is processing and releasing old stuck emotions that it needs to get rid of, so embrace it! After a session, you might feel a sense of lightness and relief like you put down a heavy bag that you were carrying. You might also feel tired and like you want to rest. If that’s the case please listen to that instinct and be sure to drink a lot of water! 



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